Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The Fast Metabolism Diet - *Review*

This book has been getting a lot of attention lately. The main reason is that it promotes healthy eating, healthy living, and it isn't a "fad." You train your body to eat right and super-charge your metabolism.

Author Haylie Pomroy is a celebrity nutritionist and wellness consultant who is known as the "metabolism whisperer." The goal of her book is to help you eat right and some of her past clients have lost up to 20 pounds in 4 weeks!

By following the below phases, you can train your metabolism to work overtime for you!

These phases include:

•Phase 1 (Monday-Tuesday): Lots of carbs and fruits
•Phase 2 (Wednesday-Thursday): Lots of protein and veggies
•Phase 3 (Friday-Sunday): All of the above, plus healthy fats and oils

Haylie's book also includes a bunch of recipes that are set up by which day you are on, which is nice because it cuts down on time scouring the internet.

I was a bit skeptical when I got this book, because as a busy working mom of 2, I didn't know how well I could follow her plan. I'm still working on it, so I'll post an update, but what is working now is tailoring it a bit to fit into my lifestyle. However, as a mom, I know that my healthy choices will influence and impact my children, so I'm definitely going to give it my best!

If you would like additional resources, please see the links below:

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I received a copy of The Fast Metabolism Diet by Haylie Pomroy from to read, try & review. My opinions are solely my own.

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